Jenn Co is one smart cookie!  She is a media host, producer and writer (among other things).  She also happens to be a past client of mine who created a pretty cool habit that stuck!  Her story is a powerful testament to how your life can change when you consistently practice a habit.

When Jenn and I met, she was juggling a number of different jobs and feeling stressed out.  She was feeling overwhelmed and pressured by the many demands that were fighting for her attention.

“Pay attention to ME!” 

“I’m important too.  Don’t forget about me!”

“You have to finish me before morning so don’t go to sleep yet!”

Jenn and I worked together to help her create healthy boundaries.  The boundaries she implemented allowed her to rest and unplug from the world.  This was much needed!

She started guarding her rest like a hawk.  The more consistent she was at setting time aside daily for stillness and rest, the more internal peace she experienced.  That’s interesting hey!?  The pressures and daily demands didn’t dissappear, Jenn changed.

The Benefits Of Taking Time To Be Still

The internal peace helped Jenn to focus more clearly.  Her energy increased even though she still worked very long hours.  Her newfound peace led to increased  resiliency, improved decision making and conflict resolution skills.  Her new skills starting having a positive effect on how she built her business.

Jenn experienced all of these benefits, simply by taking the time to become more self aware.  By consistently prioritizing her mental, emotional and spiritual health, Jenn created a habit that stuck.

Consistency is key.

What has helped you make habits that stick?  We would love to know!  Share them over here on my facebook page.

With love,

