Here Are My Secret’s To A Super Balanced Life

Spiritual Food

If I don’t eat it in the morning, my day is lacking.  Imagine eating a dry piece of toast that’s gone cold for breakfast or eating homemade bread, freshly toasted with melted butter.  The experience is much different!

Getting Comfortable With Being Uncomfortable

Waking up half an hour early this morning wasn’t what the comfort craving side of me wanted!  It’s worth it to be able to plan my day and settle my mind before the hustle starts.

Carefully Weighing The “Shoulds”

Most daily house and family responsibilities seem to trump my deeper desires for exercise, social and spiritual time.  That ‘trumping’ happens in my brain.  I sort through what’s most important to me and what can wait.  Time management baby!

Loving Me

I’ve gotten in the habit of rewarding myself, often.  Rewards help me create new habits that fuel, energize and empower me.  When I feel energized I’m much happier, patient, empathetic and giving towards my family.  I also am a much better coach!

When I’m creating a new habit I reward myself by listening to inspirational podcasts, playing my penny whistle, meeting a friend for a special coffee or attending a fun exercise class.

Going Against The Grain

Making time for people or exercise always pays off.  The love of my life, Mr. Englemark is always worth my time.  Exercise always pays off, no matter how many minutes I put into it.  The world doesn’t fall apart when I take the time for what matters.  It always works out.

Going against the grain feels unnatural though.  To make time when I don’t feel like it, I need to be ferocious and focus on my why.  Sometimes I need to be assertive with myself!

Being Real

Being open and truthful with myself about how I’m feeling brings beautiful clarity.  I feel discord in myself when I’m feeling something and I haven’t pinpointed why.  Making time to get clear about my feelings and needs then enables me to communicate with others more freely.

When I’m truthful with myself and humble, I can choose to take responsibility for my feelings.  This brings about huge freedom!  Blaming others never led to much personal growth!

What are some of the ways YOU create more balance for yourself?  How do you balance work and home life, personal time and social time?  We’d love to hear.  Please share!!

REMEMBER!!  Our Group Coaching Program starts April 27th, in 5 days!  I would love to guide you towards better health in all areas of life.  Check it out HERE if you know it’s time for a change xo  We’re keeping the group small so don’t wait too long to grab your spot!

Keep Shining,
