Family Time Made Simple


I know many of you in business struggle to make time for family.  Today we’re focusing on how to make time with your family a priority and really be present to enjoy it!

1. Block it Out

Schedule time with your spouse or your family into your calendar.  When you’re busy at work and stress is mounting, family time may not seem to be your biggest priority.  If you block the time out ahead of time it’s much easier to make it happen!  These appointments are just as important as any business meeting!

2.  Create Realistic Expectations

When you make time to be together with family you may feel you need to make the time extra special.  My tip for you is to lower your expectations!  That may not sound like a good idea to you but it works!!

If you expect too much of your time with your family you will most likely be disappointed.  Instead, think of more realistic expectations for your time together.

Spending time with your spouse and/or kids makes most people feel connected, secure, loved, refreshed, etc. The next time you have quality time together, focus on what’s needed to feel those emotions you want to feel. Maybe an elaborate dinner isn’t necessary. Maybe doing something exciting isn’t necessary. What about keeping it simple?

3.  Leave Work At Work

There will always be work to finish.  Your to-do list will never be empty for long.  The world won’t come falling down to crush you if you leave work at a decent time so you can spend it elsewhere.  To fully enjoy your “me time” or family, turn your devices off when you get home, at least for a while.  I don’t mean turn your phone to vibrate, I mean turn it off!  Your mind won’t be so distracted and you will be able to more fully engage with those you love.

How do YOU make time for family?  What helps YOU be fully present with the ones you love?  I’d love to hear your feedback and comments on my facebook page.  Have you liked it yet?  That’s where everything juicy happens (to do with Entrepreneurs, Business Leaders, Self Care and Personal Growth).

Much Love,


Amy Englemark