The Impossible Dreams You Can Never Give Up

By Amy Englemark

Do you have dreams like this?  Goals that seem impossible but beckon you to keep pursuing them?  Chocolate often beckons me, but I encourage you to reach for something higher!

These dreams that you can never seem to give up.  They’re a good thing!  They haven’t disappeared for a reason.

If you have big dreams , you’re going to need some “umph,” some tenacity and willingness to push through even when you don’t feel like taking action.

Believe me, I’ve had to overcome thoughts like, “Maybe I shouldn’t pursue the big dreams I have”  “Maybe it’s not worth all this effort”  “If I can’t see progress, maybe that’s a sign I’m headed down the wrong path.”

Today I want to share with you the first step you can take to make impossible dreams possible.

I was on a group coaching call today when I asked one of the members on a scale of 1-10 how much of a priority/how valuable she felt she was.  Her reply was, “I think I’m in the negative.”  We had a good chuckle at the time about ‘being in the red’ and then moved into how that affects whether or not she will meet her personal goals.

You see, if you don’t believe you are worth making time for, you’ll spend your time on things that don’t really matter to you.  You’ll prioritize trivial things instead of committing to taking small actions that will lead you closer to your dreams.  You won’t treat your goals and dreams with respect because you’re not respecting yourself first.

And so, I dare you.

If you feel anything like this coaching client of mine, I dare you to start treating yourself like you’re just as valuable as your kids, your work or other people who are more deserving.  I dare you to make yourself a priority on a daily basis until you start believing that, “Hey!  I think I do matter.  Better than that, I’m pretty cool and worthy of treating myself and my dreams with love.”  The more you act like you love yourself, you might just start believing it!

Next, I’ll be sharing some practical steps to actually achieving your big dreams…

Let me know below if you have any questions or where you would rate yourself on the scale of 1-10.

With Love,


Amy Englemark