How To Achieve Your Dreams

-Understanding What’s Needed

In a previous post I shared the first step to making your “impossible” dreams a reality.  Today I have 3 practical steps for you to take.  These steps will help you live your dream instead of just talking about it.

1)  Make the time to create a plan and fill in the daily actions.

It’s one thing to have a big, (scary) beautiful goal but to outline the action steps needed to achieve it is another.  Take 30 minutes and dump all of the action steps that come to mind that you feel are necessary to take in order to achieve your dream.  If you run into some action steps that are larger than others, stop and break down those steps into smaller actions.

If your action steps are too big you might get stumped and stop making progress because you feel you don’t have what it takes.  Too big of an action step might side track you and take you out of the game for too long…wasting precious time.

Make sure your action steps are written in a daily planner or in your phone and are slotted into days and times.  Be specific as to when you will take action.

2)  Be accountable (this takes practice like building muscle)

Being accountable to yourself comes with practice.  You’ll get better at it the more you do it.  Accountability to yourself and to others you trust will help you fast forward your progress.  Slot time into your calendar for a “Check In.”  When will you check in with yourself or your accountability partner to review if you met your weekly goals and if not, what you can learn from it.

If you don’t check in with yourself it’s easy to let yourself off the hook and pretend that your goals and dreams aren’t really that important to you.  Don’t allow yourself to listen to the same excuses anymore!

3) Plan for the unexpected

Life can throw curve balls.  When the unexpected happens, how are you going to stay on track to achieving your dreams?  The secret lies in planning for the unexpected.  Here’s what I suggest.  You don’t have to be a victim when little emergencies need your attention!  Use this sentence to have a back up plan.

“If _______________ then ________________”

“If I haven’t exercised by 830pm then I won’t turn on the tv until I do.”

“If my volunteer commitment runs overtime and I don’t have the time to (insert your action step here) then I will wake up early to get it done before the kids wake up.”

Don’t rely on motivation to help you work consistently towards the achievement of your dreams.!  You’ve got what it takes to achieve those dreams of yours (however big they are).  On the flip side, you won’t always feel like working towards your goals.  You might be sick or have visitors or dealing with a super cranky kid who is teething or fighting more than usual with his sibling.  Life throws curve balls.

Make a concrete plan so you understand what you need to do, even when the unexpected happens!

May you be filled with confidence and extra energy, always reminded of your worth, value and potential xo

With love,

