
Recently I returned home from 5 days of training and fun in the California sun.  During all of my years running a business, I’ve hired coaches for myself, but this is the first time I’ve ever taken part in a group coaching program…

When I invest in myself, I grow and my business grows.  Have you ever experienced this?  It’s inevitable that as you change inside that your outside world also changes.

I learned a lot about wealth while in some of the ritziest resorts I’ve ever set foot in.  Let me share the gold nuggets I learned about wealth so you can increase your income and bust through that glass ceiling.

  • Your income ceiling isn’t made of concrete (it’s saran wrap).  On the plane to Laguna Beach I brought a copy of Harv T. Ekar’s book “Secrets of the Millionaire Mind.”  This is my second time reading it.  He says that we develop a wealth mindset dependent on how our parents/caregivers talked (and acted) about money/wealth/wealthy people.  How much money you make and success you experience is directly related to the beliefs you have about money.  To increase your level of success, influence and income, you need to rewrite your beliefs around money and what you’re capable of.
  • Good things happen to those who succeed.  This isn’t to say that you won’t experience challenges on your path to more and more success.  What I’m talking about is this belief, “If I go after my big, wild dreams, something bad is bound to happen.”  If you entertain this belief, then, like a client of mine, you’ll hold yourself back from success and never allow yourself to step into the influence that’s waiting for you!  Change your belief to, “Good things always happen to me when I pursue my crazy big dreams.”
  • You’ll become an even better version of yourself.  I used to believe that I would change as a person and loose the integral parts of what makes me ME if I became wealthy.  Now I know that belief was one of the obstacles that was holding me back from success.  The truth is that as you grow on the inside you experience abundance and success on the outside.  You can be happy, successful, wealthy, spiritual, YOURSELF, all at the same time.  You simply need to give yourself permission to do so!

Remember, your motivation to increase your wealth matters.  If you want to increase your income due to fear or selfishness, money may be difficult to hang on to.  Make it your motivation to help others with your talents and you’ll go far!!