Why Are We Afraid Of Change?

Do you ever feel like you’re stuck and can’t move forward?  Change can be scary.  Why is that?  Why are we afraid of change?

At one point in my coaching career I felt extremely frustrated, lacking the guidance I needed to move forward and grow my business.  At that time, I met a woman who called herself an Empowerment Coach and Mentor.  Something inside me jumped!  My interest was piqued.

I started following her on different social media channels and signed up for a free consultation to see if partnering with her would help me get where I wanted to go.  As soon as I got off the phone, I knew.  She was the one.  I had to work with her.

Working with her would cost a large sum of money so I mulled over my needs and talked with my husband for so long I felt like a cow chewing it’s cud, over and over.

Personal Growth On Hold

Truly, I was ready to work with her after our first conversation.  In reality, I let fear hold me back for five months when I could have been moving closer to my goals.  Fear of failure, all of the ‘what-if’s,’ felt like quicksand, holding me back from everything I wanted on the other side of my decision.

Listen to what was going on inside my brain.  “If I fail and don’t get the results I want from working with her, I’ll feel deflated.  I’ll be x-amount of $ in the hole.  People might judge me or be upset with me for hiring someone else when they think I could get the same results on my own.  People might not take me seriously if my hard work in her program doesn’t pay off.  Worst case scenario, I may have to give up on the profession I love so much and have to choose a job I don’t like.

 This fear of failure held me back for five months until the day came when I made the leap!  It was the largest financial investment in my business to date and it’s paid off in ways I couldn’t have imagined!!

Leaving Your Comfort Zone Requires Courage

Some people never leave their comfort zones because they’re afraid of success.  They feel that if they succeed, they won’t be able to manage the responsibility that may come.  They fear they might not be able to balance their priorities in life.  What if their success makes them stand out socially and that makes others uncomfortable?  Will they be able to manage that?

How about you?  Do you fear that if you were successful in these areas of health, wealth and creating more free time that others might judge you?  Are you willing to face that possible discomfort so that you can experience the changes you want to see in your life?  What’s better, playing small and feeling unfulfilled so others will approve and like you or taking risks so you can grow and be happy?

Find out how to prioritize your needs and not feel guilty about it HERE

Now I know, it’s not weak, it’s wise to seek the advice and support of someone who has achieved what you want to achieve.  I am capable of so much more than I believed possible before, all because I took action despite fear.  You are too.

Whatever you set your heart to, you can accomplish.  You may not be clear on the next 10 steps you need to take to accomplish your goal, but as you get the ball rolling, your clarity will increase.  Don’t wait to know exactly how everything will pan out before you act.  Act, and watch how beautiful and marvelous opportunities and supportive friendships arise when you do.

No Risk, No Reward

If you’re ready to reach that next level of fulfillment, if you want to boost your health, happiness and wealth, it’s time to take a risk, stop letting fear control you and start acting on your hearts desires.

Amy Englemark teaches strategies to Boost Health, Wealth and Free Time to Entrepreneurs, Community and Business Leaders.  Get Amy’s 3 Step System to Boost your Time and Productivity at: www.amyenglemark.com . For Proven Tools to zap stress, free up your time and boost your income, Like Amy Englemark Coaching on Facebook and Follow her on LinkedIn at: Amy Englemark.