Attention Scatterbrains!  Strategies To Regain Your Focus

When I was in my mid twenties I was busy raising two beautiful boys.  They were my priority.  Aside from my relationship with God and my husband Beach, those boys were my bulls-eye during that season.  They are still my bulls-eye but I have a few other priorities I aim for now.

We only have so many arrows to shoot in a day, week or year.  These arrows represent the energy we expend.  We only have so much of it!  If you’re shooting your arrows all over the place, with no clearly defined priorities, you’ll feel scatterbrained, unaccomplished and worn out.  Alternatively, if you only shoot at one target, say, your business life, you will end up feeling only partially fulfilled.

To ensure you have time for your health, Read More Here

Your first step to regain your focus is to choose a target for this season of your life and shoot each arrow towards the target with precision.

When you choose what’s most important to you, you are living on purpose.  When you live intentionally instead of letting your arrows be blown whatever way the wind is blowing, you will move quickly in the direction of your dreams and goals.  You will be guarding your energy stores and making decisions in alignment with your priorities.  Remember that as you prioritize how you spend your time, you won’t be able to keep everyone happy all the time…and that’s ok!

Ask yourself these questions to gain clarity on your priorities:

What emotional state do I want to feel daily?  If you don’t experience this emotion on a consistent basis, you will start feeling discontent.

What would I want my family and close friends to say about how I lived my life?  In their opinion, what did your life stand for?

What would I need to prioritize to become the person I want to be?

What are your top values/priorities?

If one of your priorities is creating wealth and a greater impact with your talents, Read More Here

Here are a few examples of things that could keep you from honoring your priorities:

  • Over-promising and taking on too much work/wanting to be seen as valuable, competent, etc.
  • Not wanting to disappoint others or cause conflict
  • Fear of missing out on opportunities or fun

What do you need to start saying no to so you have more time for what really matters to you?  What do you need to start saying yes to?

What fear do you need to face?

This is not the time to complain, justify or make excuses about why you’re not where you want to be in life.  This is the time to rise up, decide what makes you happy and start doing more of that.  You can be a victim or you can take responsibility but you can’t do both at the same time.  Now, what is your compelling “why” that will motivate you to take action?