It’s easier to allow our emotions free reign than it is to take control of them.  When we decide that we are the boss of our feelings, and not the other way around, we can create the change we want.

Every emotion can be used for our and others good.  On the flip side, emotions can dictate what we spend our time on.  Sometimes we have to kick our own butts into a new gear to have the life we want.

Peering In

What are your emotions telling you to do on a daily basis?  Do you take their orders because you’re fearful of something or because you want comfort in the moment?  It’s so easy to make choices dependent on how you feel in the moment.  Satisfying your right now cravings brings instant gratification…but it’s fleeting.  What if you focused on how your choices could impact the next 30 days of your life?

When you know what you want more of, how you want your life to improve, you can begin to spend your time differently.  We are all given the same number of hours.  How will you consistently spend yours?



Amy Englemark