
By Amy Englemark

 Instead of feeling held back by challenges, you can use your current situation as a catalyst to grow.

Let’s look at a busy woman’s life for example.  Sara parents, studies part time from home, runs a business, works on the side AND stays in shape.  She’s juggling but also struggling!

Sara wants to find more balance for herself.

She may ask herself many questions regarding why she can never find time for herself or why things always seem so hectic (seeing that she hardly ever feels balanced).

A more helpful question Sara could ask herself would be,

“Will I use this situation as a catalyst for me to grow?” 

“What can I learn from this situation?”

This would allow her to empower herself.

If Life is a Teacher and Sara is the student, she always has something to learn from her situation.  Her life (like yours and mine) is a work in progress.

When you are open to looking at your situation through new lenses and “finding the gold in the dark” (thanks Carl Jung) your challenging situation can become your greatest teacher.

May you gain much clarity today my friend!

xo Amy
