“Why does asking for help suck?” you ask.  I’ll share with you my perspective.

Lies I have believed about asking for help:

“If I ask for help then I must be stupid.”

“This is my responsibility.  If I ask for help, I’m not pulling my own weight.  I wouldn’t be contributing enough and that would mean I’m lazy.”

“I’m overstepping my boundaries and taking advantage of others generousity if I ask for help.”

My personal fears about asking for help:

“Someone may take advantage of my vulnerability and that would make me feel little or insignificant.”

“Will people think I just use people to make my life easier?” 

“Will they think I’m weak?”

Focusing on the Truths

I know I have a lot to learn, but come on, I’m not stupid.  I’ve been given a brilliant mind, just like you.  Asking for help does suck sometimes!  Still, I would rather choose to face my fear of how others might perceive me rather than never growing.

I am so focused on how much I work/give/contribute that I can rob others of the joy of giving.  I rob myself of closeness and intimacy in relationships when I don’t ask for help.

I crave feeling more connected with the ones I love.  If I never ask for help, I will never know the beautiful give and take that is meant to be in a relationship!  In our North American culture we think we have to be so independent and not rely on others.  In all truth, I believe that belief keeps us from loving and being loved to the extent we want to experience.

I’m choosing to face my fear of how others might view me and just ASK FOR HELP!!  For one, so that I don’t feel stressed or get to the point of burnout.  Secondly, because I grow more when I realize I need others in my life.

If you are on this journey as well, I welcome your feedback and experiences.  Please share them with me below so we can grow together!!

Now go on and ask someone for help!

xo Amy