3 Sure Fire Ways To Feel More Energetic

By Friday you may be lacking energy.  That won’t help you focus or be productive like you want to be.  Imagine if you could increase your energy RIGHT NOW.  I’ve used these strategies myself so I can honestly say they work.  Try them out yourself!

Choose your words and thoughts wisely.

When someone asks you how you are, your response will determine how you feel.

Change “Tired” to “I’ve had a full day”

Change “Worn-Out” to “I’m in Transition”

Change “I’m Done” to “I need to recharge”

Change “Not too bad” to “Pretty good”

Change “Frazzled” to “Regaining my focus”

Choose to dwell on thoughts that make you feel good, energized and resourceful vs. stressed, furious or overwhelmed

Acknowledge Yourself

You have accomplished more than you might give yourself credit for.  You have chosen to act in ways that you’re proud of. Be Gentle on yourself instead of beating yourself up for mistakes or where you don’t feel like you’re enough.

Shorten Your To-Do List

Include only your top 3 “must-do’s” in your personal and work life.  If you accomplish more, that’s a bonus.  Most people’s to-do lists are too long which can strip you of energy when you see what ‘little’ you’ve accomplished.

Bonus Strategy:

-Get down in a squat position.  Now, time yourself for 30 seconds and don’t let yourself stop until then!  I want you to run on the spot like a football player getting ready for a game.  Put your hands out in front for balance.  Don’t tell me, “I’m in my business suit”  “I don’t want to get sweaty”  “I have a bad knee.”  Obviously don’t go all out crazy if you have a serious health condition but most people can do this simple exercise.  30 seconds to a refreshed state of mind and more energy!

Try out one or two of these steps and let me know how it worked for you.

