Break Free From Routine With Amy’s Challenge

Life can become unbalanced when you focus all of your attention on work, even work you love.  Do you want to break free from your current routine?  Do you want to create a life filled with fun adventures?  Do you want to feel free from aches and pains or excess weight?  By challenging yourself, you’ll uncover strength, confidence, happiness and health.

If you’re unhappy with where you’re at, challenge yourself!

When you stop learning, you stop growing.  In her book, Mindset, Carol Dweck says that we only fail when we stop learning.  Think of learning as fun!  Watch This Video Training to inject more fun back into your routine!

As an entrepreneur, I never want to stop learning and growing.  As you continue to challenge yourself and break out of your routine you will be offering your clients and customers the best service possible.  If you want to boost your confidence and offer excellent value to those you serve, never stop growing!

Here are strategies that I’ve used to break out of old routines and challenge myself to grow.

  • Ask yourself, “How can I stretch myself out of my comfort zone and use my strengths on a broader level?”
  • Instead of thinking and wanting to make a change, DO it.  COMMIT and take action.
  • Choose an inspiring goal that will motivate you to break out of your routine and stretch yourself.  For example, instead of saying you want to lose weight, sign up for a race that takes place on a specific date.
  • If there is a specific area in which you’d like to challenge yourself, ask yourself, “What does exceptional look like?”

For more ideas on how to challenge yourself, check out Stephen Key’s article Successful Entrepreneurs Challenge Themselves

Amy Englemark teaches strategies to Boost Health, Wealth and Free Time to Entrepreneurs, Community and Business Leaders.  Get Amy’s 3 Step System to Boost your Time and Productivity at: . For Proven Tools to zap stress, free up your time and boost your income, Like Amy Englemark Coaching on Facebook and Follow her on LinkedIn at: Amy Englemark.