2 minute read

Are you feeling stressed?  Do you truly, madly, deeply want to feel more calm in your family life or business, but IT’S NOT HAPPENING!?  Anyone can achieve their goals.  You just need to believe.  Sound cliche?  It’s true.

I could tell you story after story about how my clients have tranformed from the inside out.  Today I want to touch on something that is crucial for you to implement for you to make a change and feel calm.

If you don’t have this one habit in place then all of your efforts to change will eventually fail.  Have you ever wanted to see new results but can’t seem to get out of your head and put your plan into action?

What you need is belief.  If you don’t believe you are able to create the change, you will never begin.  After beginning if you don’t believe you can sustain the habit, you won’t try.  “It’s impossible.” should never be allowed to take up precious real estate in that brain of yours.

What To Do

Practive believing that what you want is possible.

Act like you mean it.

Create a clear action plan.

Put it in your calendar.

Do it.

Get accountability.  No excuses.  This is key to follow through.

Let me tell you about Sonia’s story.  She was feeling “scrambled,” not calm.  After some time working with me she realized that her stress was a result of feeling distant from her family.  As a fast paced business owner she was finding it quite challenging to create quality time all together.  With a young child, two teenagers and a husband who works away, wrangling everyone in, even for a family meal, felt like pulling teeth.

We worked on clarifying how her and her family could spend more time having fun with one another which would in turn open up communication.  She’s now implementing this new structure and tools to open up communication but she woudn’t be moving forward AT ALL unless she believed the change was possible.

I believe YOU CAN make the change you want to make.  First, believe it’s possible.  Then make a plan!

Amy Englemark teaches strategies to Boost Health, Wealth and Free Time to Entrepreneurs, Community and Business Leaders.  Get Amy’s 3 Step System to Boost your Time and Productivity at: www.amyenglemark.com .