I would rather hit snooze.  Do you know what I mean?  I don’t feel like doing a lot of things.

  • Getting up early
  • Eating healthy most of the time
  • Planning ahead

I know that if I lack time management, I will never have what I want in life.  If I don’t take control of the hours I’ve been given I won’t have enough time!  Prioritizing my time gives me more time.

“Simple self-disciplines repeated over time will lead to success” – Jim Rohn

I don’t know about you, but I have always preferred spontaneity over making plans.  That was before kids!  They change your life and make you stretch in more ways than one!  I realized that floating wherever the wind moved me was really fun, but not necessarily moving me foward towards success.

My Formula

I’m no scientist but I do know I’m not the only one who has had to prioritize my time.  So, this is what’s worked for me….

  • Become friends with your dayplanner/online calendar
  • Block out time for yourself, work, exercise, family time
  • Get comfortable with tighter boundaries
  • Get uncomfortable now so you can enjoy personal accomplishment, deeper relationships and greater health

Prioritizing my team means I am saying yes to what I want and what I feel is best for my family.  This means I am also saying no to what matters less to me.

Making my plans visual helps me make it happen.  Telling my plans to my family and friends helps me stick to it and also helps to avoid disappointments.  I’m not perfect and my time management still needs work but I hope you take something away from this little peek into my life.

And You?

What do you want more of?  What would you need to spend more of your time doing?  Spending 5, 10 or 15 minutes a day of focused time will start to create beautiful changes in your life.  What will you be committing to?  What do you need to say yes to?  And consequently, what will you need to say no to?  Let us know below!

Shine oh so brightly today!  (People need you)


Amy Englemark