I’m pretty sure you value fitness as much as I do or you wouldn’t be reading this.  Though, valuing fitness and actually making time to fit it into your schedule are two different things.  So many things, people and obligations seem to block us from getting on our bikes, putting our running shoes on, sticking that dvd in or grabbing a kayak paddle.

Before you can commit to making time for fitness you need to see yourself as incredibly valuable.  My heart bursts with the knowledge of your value.  I may not know you on a personal level yet but I do know that you are valuable.  More importantly, you need to view yourself as valuable before you will invest in your health and fitness.

If you believe you have an important role to play, that you have purpose in this life, you will have a STRONG motivation to stay fit.

The biggest thing that motivates me to include a consistent fitness routine in my life is knowing that I have a large purpose to play here and wanting to be able to live a LONG healthy life.  If I want to share and impact peoples lives in a dramaticly positive way, if I want to be the best I can be, then I will need my health.

You will begin to find time for fitness on a regular basis when you understand what your deeper motivation is.  To sustain your commitment you need to remind yourself of the big reasons you are committing to your health.  What are those big reasons for you?  What is deeply motivating YOU?

You are not the same as your neighbor, friend or spouse when it comes to fitness.  They may have different needs, desires and skills than you.  Comparing your fitness routine with theirs won’t do you any good.  Pin point what works for you.

Here are some tips to help you stay fit and happy!

Identify your favorite way to sabotage your fitness plans and create a plan of attack.

Maybe the best time for you to workout is in the morning, maybe it’s in the evening.  Do you struggle to motivate yourself because you’re tired?  Have you tried laying out your clothes before hand and telling someone else that you’re going to make it happen?  Clarify what your biggest struggle is when it comes to staying consistent with your fitness.  Then formulate a few small steps you could take to help you follow through.

Pursue fitness related activities you enjoy and you will be much more likely to follow through.

Do you need to think or talk when you exercise?  Do you prefer a sport that requires you to focus so you can give your mind a break or a sport that is repetitious?

Commit to a weekly workout session with someone else, as part of a group or with a personal trainer

Some people really appreciate being held accountable to others.  Other benefits from working out with others is the social time, support, motivation and inspiration you get.  For example, I have wednesday nights reserved for mountain biking with a group of ladies.  I don’t plan anything else those nights, therefore I know at least once a week I will get a great workout in.

In order to fit in fitness and feel great about yourself you need to understand what is blocking you and how to jump over those obstacles.  Remember, identifying what motivates you on a deeper level to stay fit will help you sustain the fitness routine you desire.

Pursue what you enjoy and making it happen won’t be so hard, because you’ll want to!  If you need the extra nudge (or push) plan ahead and book in some time with a friend.

Staying fit and healthy has so many benefits.  You feel great about yourself, confidence improves, relationships improve (in more ways than one) and even your outlook on your work is enhanced.

Thanks for the opportunity to be a part of your life.  I am so thankful!

Happy exercising,


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