So you want to have optimal work/life balance?  You’re thinking ahead.  You don’t want your health, relationship with others, personal life or clients lives to suffer.  You want to take precautions before you lose your hope and optimism for life.

In my last article First Step to Avoid Burnout, I suggested becoming more aware of what your needs and values are.  You need to know what brings you great amounts of joy so you can pursue those things.  If you haven’t walked yourself through that step yet, you may find it helpful to read that article first.

Transform fatigue into satisfaction

1.Identify where your challenging areas are and what changes or improvements you could make.

Do you find you’re always thinking of the social time you’re missing out on?  Would you like to have more time with your spouse instead of feeling like two ships passing in the night?  Would you like to more clearly define your health goals?

Whatever areas of life you feel could be more optimal, write down what your ideal would look like.  Would you like to spend thirty minutes twice a week on the phone with a friend or family member? How about identifying the best time to spend with your spouse and then expressing your desire to?  Do you want to eat one less pre-made meal during the week and make your own instead?  Would you like to exercise in the early morning 2 x week or in the evening 3 x week for an hour?

Identify what you desire my friend.

Does that feel selfish?  When you think, what do I want?  What will make me happy?  If you think of yourself first all of the time, then yes, you could be walking down the selfish line.  However, I know that you are a caring person at heart and that you value health.  Sometimes you care SO much about others happiness and comfort that you forget about your own.

How effectively will you be able to care for others if you are sleep deprived and lack exercise, close relationships and spiritual connection etcetera? When people are deeply emotionally and /or physically exhausted, they start treating their spouses and children with less love and respect.  They have less compassion for their patients and clients.  They may start viewing themselves in a negative light because of their physical appearance or the lifestyle choices they’re making.  If I just painted a picture of you, let’s get you out of that situation right now!

You need to clearly define and decide how you want your life to look and who you want to be, for yourself and for others. How do you want to show up?

2.  Make time every day for yourself

Don’t wait until the chores are done before you take time for yourself.  Even if you are only taking ten minutes for yourself a day, you need it.  Could you close your door at work and have a warm drink?  Could you squeeze a bath into your day?  How would you like to read your book for twenty minutes every night?  What works for you?  What will this time for you look like?

3.  Learn to ask for help

When you offer your help to someone else, usually you wouldn’t offer unless you really wanted to.  Remember that when someone offers help to you!  You were not meant to live your life alone.  You were not meant to manage everything.  Though you may view yourself as a superhero, it’s not a sign of weakness to ask for help.

4.  Say No more often

When you say no to people who are asking for your help, you are setting healthy boundaries.  You are expressing to yourself that you are important.  As I started to say no more often I began to feel more confident.  I began to realize that I had a say in my life.  You too have the ability and power to determine who you want in your life and how you want to be spending your time.  This is YOUR life.

So, what is challenging for you right now?  What changes do you want to start making today?  Remember that the better you take care of YOU, every daythe more you will have to offer those around you.  They will appreciate your attention to self care because you will improve!

Knowing your limits and creating healthy boundaries will empower you to become positive in all you do.  May today be a day that you start shifting from tired to terrific!

With Love,


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