If you’re anything like me, you may find that balancing life and work can be overwhelming. I’m like you in many ways. Many things need my attention.
Every week I have appointments with private clients, business tasks, home chores, exercise, dates with my honey, making healthy and delicious meals, getting enough sleep…so many things that need my attention.
One thing that helps me gain clarity is the awareness that I won’t accomplish everything I want to in one day. When I accept this and show myself more gentleness and patience, my perspective shifts and my tension eases. I’m able to focus and use my energy to push into important tasks or spend quality time with my kids without being distracted by other “more important” things.
When I stop worrying about the past, future or what’s out of my control, I am able to live in the present and start looking at my day or week from a realistic and positive perspective.
You’re wondering, “Did I just read the words realistic and positive in the same sentence?” Yes!! You can be realistic and positive at the same time. For example, let’s say this week is a big one for you. You’re not sure how you’re going to juggle all the balls you have in the air. You’re feeling guilty because you already know you probably won’t have much time to spend with your spouse, kids or friends, let alone yourself.
This may be the hardest thing to do but I suggest you take care of your personal needs first.
At least make sure meeting your needs is close to the top of your list. When you give yourself time to refuel, relax or exercise, your mind, body and spirit will be able to thrive. You will be more alert and able to use everything that comes your way, ‘good’ and ‘bad,’ to help you progress towards your goals.
Focus on what you can accomplish instead of what you can’t. If you expect too much of yourself you will continually be disappointed. If you are not experiencing the lovely life you want to be living, you may need to raise your standards. Some of us get into a very predictable pattern in life and don’t expect enough of ourselves. We’re comfortable in our safe spaces and the thought of stepping out induces fear. We think someone will one day walk up to us and hand us the life we want.
You need to be actively involved in your life to change how you respond to stress.
Take a moment and think of the people in your life that expect great things of you. Maybe they were/are your parents, teachers, friends, mentors. When someone tells you what they think you’re capable of, you automatically feel that you just might be able to live up to that standard. And you WANT to. You have something greater to aim for and feel a renewed sense of confidence because of what someone else thinks of you.
What would happen if YOU expected great things of yourself?
What if you raised your standards? What would that look like? When you think about everything that needs to be taken care of in your day do you expect you won’t be able to handle it? Or is your first thought, “There must be a way to accomplish what needs to be done.”
Ease your stress before you enter The Land of Overwhelm
Look at what you need to accomplish from an outsiders perspective. Prioritize. Think of who can help you. Then ask for help! Remove tasks from your list that are not really your responsibility or that could be taken care of by someone else. Identify when your ‘best time’ is. That is, when you have the most energy to take care of certain tasks. Most importantly, if you consider your tasks a privilege or find even an ounce of joy in accomplishing them, focus on this.
Try to be gentle on yourself and patient.
Turn your worry into thankfulness.
Take care of YOUR needs first so you can refuel and be alert.
Focus on the good, not the bad. Acknowledge yourself xo
Lower or Raise your standards depending on your personality.
These suggestions will help you prepare before you get caught feeling overwhelmed. You have the ability to feel either overwhelmed or happy, calm, peaceful etc. It’s your decision. May today be a day that you decide to live happily balancing what you want to do and what needs to be done.