Let me introduce you to Cheryl. She knows how to use grit to make her goals a reality.

Cheryl woke up one morning and realized she’d become as parched as a baseball player up to bat in the heat of Summer! She had nothing left to give others. She’d been putting her personal dreams off for years and had secretly become resentful and deeply angry about it. She’d been waiting for support to appear so she could look after herself and her dreams for a change!

She’d planned on supporting her husband’s business pursuits with her time and money until he was more established. He’d been established for years now! As a mom she also gave tirelessly to their two children. Cheryl is a highly successful business woman but was completely out of touch with how to take care of her needs for happiness.

She wanted to make a bigger impact with her innate gifts and training. She told me she was mad, very mad that she’d waited so long to prioritize her dreams and give herself permission to act.

She had given so much of her energy to support her husband and she wasn’t seeing any support in return. She thought if she supported his pursuits more, he would eventually show support for hers. Sadly, that wasn’t the case. He was used to receiving all the attention. Who wouldn’t like that!? We get used to certain patterns in relationships. But Cheryl kept waiting and hoping he’d step out and offer her water or a helmet before she hit her first home run.

No cloth to wipe the sweat away. No refreshing water to quench the thirst. No helmet to protect from future blows. No feeling of mutual support or consideration. What’s a girl to do?!

Day after day she realized that she didn’t need his support, even though she wanted it. She realized that she was more capable of making her dreams a reality than she had previously thought. She is now clear on what she wants for herself and knows how to pursue goals that make her feel energized and passionate. She’s learning how to do this and be a loving and engaged wife and mom at the same time.

Below you’ll find the steps I gave Cheryl to help her stop waiting and get into action.  It’s my 10 Step Strategy to Getting Into Action (and staying in action). After reading the list, ask yourself, “What small action do I need to take to make my big goal become reality?”

  1. Get clear on your goals and why they matter
  2. Acknowledge your strengths and experiences to see how perfectly suited you are for the work or goals you feel drawn to pursue
  3. Stop trying to do everything yourself
  4. Clarify what help you need and who can help
  5. Reach out and ask for support and accountability
  6. Stop tolerating things that make you feel uncared for, unloved or unimportant. Rather, speak up about your needs and wants.
  7. Surround yourself with people who have healthy boundaries 
  8. Take small steps daily towards your goals
  9. Guard your time spent in pursuit of your dreams…treat it as incredibly valuable and productive time (because it is!)
  10. Realize you don’t need others to understand or support your big goals for them to be important.

How about you? Are you ready to stop waiting for acceptance and approval? Has the pain of your current situation become so great that you’re ready? Or are you seeing all the pleasure in life you’re missing out on and you think, “Is this all there is to life?” Are you willing to step out and stand out for a greater purpose? Friend, your time is now.

With Love,



Reserve your spot at the last Retreat of the Year December 4-6th in Kauai, The Leaders Circle: Smart Strategies To Boost Health, Profit And Happiness. There are only 10 spaces 8 spaces …Send me a message with “Retreat” in the subject line and I’ll send you all the details!

Tools and strategies from my upcoming book “From Burnout To Balance: The 21 Day Plan To Boost Your Health, Wealth And Happiness” will be discussed. Listen to and learn from clients about how they overcame challenges you may be facing. Be coached deeply to discover what holds you back and how to make progress fast. Take a break from responsibilities to de-stress, learn and grow together!

Contact me at coacha@amyenglemark.com or through my website www.amyenglemark.com