Over the last 8 years I’ve built a successful business based on healthy boundaries.  I don’t always get it right, but taking responsibility for my life has caused me to excel far beyond what I imagined.  If you want to increase your profit, fulfill your destiny and help more people, you need to learn how to set healthy boundaries.

In the video below I outline what we are each responsible for.  When we make excuses and blame others for where we’re at in life, it keeps us stuck.  Taking responsibility for what’s ours, ensures we can continue to progress.

Quite a number of people have sent me messages telling me how they’ve paid a price in business and personally for prioritizing others expectations over their own happiness.  Don’t be one of them!  Watch this…


With Love,


PS:  Registration is open for my retreat REFUEL this May 29-31, 2020 in Tofino.  I can’t wait to support you in making a bigger difference, taking the time for yourself to develop the lifestyle and business you want.  Business leaders, this will help you increase your productivity and that of your team, decrease stress and improve your health, whether you own your own business or not.