Have You Become a Fitness Junkie?

It is possible to have too much of a good thing and it is possible to be addicted to exercise.  The line between a person who exercises for the health of it and one who is an exercise fanatic can easily become blurred.  Here are a few reasons why.  Exercise is a...

How To Express Your Feelings

Time constraints, lack of sleep, extra stress and perceived lack of control are all triggers that may cause you to lose your temper instead of expressing your feelings in a healthy way.  Many of us feel frustrated that our spouses, family members or co-workers...

Overcome Panic Attacks

A few days ago the world ‘celebrated’ International Panic Day.  So really, if you must take one day a year and indulge in panic, now’s the time!  Or maybe you’d rather not.  Maybe you just don’t know how to stop reacting to stressful...

Preparing Moms For Summer Break

If you’re a mom like me, my mind is already trying to figure out how I will manage to keep any state of balance come the end of this month.  The end of June marks the end of the school year as we know it.  This is the time when business moms like me get ready...