Day 22 – Your Thoughts Create Your Reality


“Your beliefs become your thoughts,

Your thoughts become your words,

Your words become your actions,

Your actions become your habits,

Your habits become your values,

Your values become your destiny.”

Mahatma Gandhi


I help my clients become more aware of what they are thinking. I help them pay attention to what’s going on inside their hearts and minds so they can change their current reality. This doesn’t mean I am exempt and don’t apply what I’m teaching to my own life. I am fully aware of the positive and negative power my thoughts have over my actions or lack thereof.

For example

I became aware that when I thought I was disorganized I wouldn’t take the time to become organized. That thought would decrease my self esteem and therefore motivation to become the person I wanted to become. Now I don’t accept that thought when it enters into my mind but rather decide to choose a thought like, “I can be organized” which makes me think of resources that will help me become more organized.

As you can see from the quote above, your thought life is like a key that unlocks doors. That key has the power to unlock doors that lead to ‘limited resources’ and ‘lowered self-confidence’ or ‘opportunity’ and ‘growth.’ Your choice.

The first step you can take to improve your thought life and consequently your physical, mental, and emotional health is to become more aware of the thoughts that you focus on daily.

Examples of Dis-empowering Thoughts

What’s wrong with me?

Why can’t I get a hold of this?

Why does my life not look as I planned it?

How come I have no time?

I can’t do this.

It’s too hard.


Examples of Empowering Thoughts

What’s great about this situation?

If I had all the resources I needed, how would I be acting?

There’s always a way.

I can do this.

What am I learning from this problem?

How am I becoming stronger within due to this?


First Step

If you decide to throw out any dis-empowering thoughts and start dwelling on anything pure, admirable, kind and gracious you are actually stopping your thoughts from having negative impact and rewiring your brain to develop healthy new circuits. You have the power to change the programming and chemistry of your brain through your thought life. What you are thinking comes to life in your brain and body. Absolutely amazing!

Next time I will share with you the second step to adopting thoughts that empower you. You are worth taking care of. Start taking care of your health today by identifying one nasty old thought habit. In the comment section below why don’t you share the thought you want to start thinking to replace the old one?




Amy Englemark