You’re probably wondering why today is NOT about you (necessarily). This blog is supposed to be all about you, right? Right! The problem is that we often become so focused on ourselves that our self-proclaimed ‘problems’ become blown out of proportion and therefore end up holding ourselves back from growing on a personal level at the rate we could be.
When we focus too much on ourselves our problems can become unrealistically large and everything else around us shrinks. When we focus on others our problems seem to shrink and our world enlarges.
Here’s why I recommend lifting your gaze up:
You Will Grow in Humility and True Confidence
We could all use a daily dose of humility, wouldn’t you say? As well, most of us need to gain confidence in some area or another. Navel gazing is usually due to one of two trains of thought. Either you are generally prone to thinking, “I lack. I’m not enough. I just don’t cut it.” Or… “I’m so hot. I rock. The world revolves around me.” Taking your eyes off of yourself allows you to see yourself through clearer lenses, acknowledge where you need to give yourself credit and where you need to grow.
Your Hearing Will Improve
When we are so focused on ourselves it’s easier to ignore that still small voice that offers you guidance if you let it. You will become more accustomed to listening to what you need, what feels good and what doesn’t. Following that guiding voice will become easier and easier as you start to focus on the bigger picture and give the voice space to speak. Sound hokey? Give it a try before you bash it.
You Will Start to See Solutions, Opportunities and Answers to Your Problems
Whatever you focus on grows and starts to take up the majority of your world. Dwelling on what you feel you lack will only hold you back from living the rich and full life you were destined for. Often what you’re looking for or what you need is right before your eyes.
Cheers to looking UP and at each other more!
Amy Englemark is a Self Care Expert, unique-like a breath of fresh air in a stressed out, overworked society. She is passionate about showing healthcare professionals, doctors and nurses in particular, why staying healthy is vital to long term resiliency. As a dynamic, sought-after speaker, writer and founder of Amy Englemark Coaching, Amy passionately guides her clients to develop and maintain guilt free self care practices so they can enjoy more energy and time as well as provide the best care to their patients. Amy has influenced the transformation of lifestyles by empowering individuals to take responsibility and leadership for their own health and happiness.
Hi Amy, would you say that one may need guidance for then to help themselves? I’ve been struggling for most of my life with, what I think is anxiety/ depression, and I have attempted to provide self care by reading books and listening to short videos from well known people but, I obviously didn’t get anywhere during this time. I was wondering if you could give me some pointers to make it easier for me to take my eyes off of myself. I’m in much need of help and I don’t want to choose the alternative.
Thank you in advance,
Bobby R.
Hi Bobby,
Thanks for your comment. My first thought is to reach out for support. Whenever I notice I’m feeling stuck or in need of help, I find someone with the expertise I’m looking for. That was I speed up my breakthrough time! I believe we need to look at the areas within ourselves we’d rather avoid in order to experience peace and contentment. Then to cultivate deeper belief in ourselves by taking courageous action, even if that’s tiny action. This will boost your confidence. Giving to others and being of help always boosts self esteem. I hope one of those pointers was helpful!