Powerful Living: 6 Ways To Be A Force For Good
When you consider the mark you want your life to leave, consider how powerfully you are currently living. How much of your life are you really taking charge of? If you were living in a more powerful way, you have a greater opportunity to be a force for good. You have the potential to live in such a powerful way that it will rock the world. That’s exciting! As you embrace what you can do for good with your one life, you will be amazed.
There was a time in my life when I thought my dreams would arrive on my doorstep. I thought I would make the wrong decisions moving towards my goals so I took too few of them…afraid I wasn’t on the right path. Feeling incapable, disorganized and unfocused didn’t help either.
Once I changed a few deep rooted mindsets and took action like nobody’s business (and kept taking action over and over), I began to make a bigger impact with my life. In order to live powerfully I’m also going to suggest that you’ll need to revamp some of your old, unnecessary beliefs and also, get into action.
- Be intentional about what you want to accomplish with your life. This is a big topic but worth spending time exploring.
- Adjust your mindset. You have the power to create a clean slate. Your past doesn’t need to define you. You can erase what you don’t like about your habits and create a new name for yourself. “Organized” “Healthy” “Wise” “Considerate” Choose to not let old labels define the current you.
- What will you cut ties with? What unhealthy patterns do you have? Do you move through your day without a plan? Do you relax through social media scrolling instead of a more fulfilling way to relax? What do you waste time on or rely on that holds you back from greater levels of impact?
- What will you replace your old habits with? Instead of wasting precious time, what activities refuel and re energize you? Spend time pursuing and prioritizing these activities and people.
- Be strategic. How you will make time for these things in your day? Get out your calendar and put your priorities down. Schedule them in before something else eats up your time.
- Protect what’s Important. We don’t make much effort if things aren’t important to us. If you’ve scheduled something in your calendar but you’re not committed to achieving it, you’ll let other things take over your time. If someone asks you if you will help them on an important project, will you protect the time you set aside for your exercise or your kids? Will you say that you already have an appointment (with yourself to plan the week)?
Examine what beliefs make you feel like crap, deflate your confidence and feelings of expectancy. Those are the ones that need to go. Then apply the power of action. Action changes how you view yourself and what you’re capable of. Who knows what you can do with your life, until you try!
I’d love you to share with me what bigger impact you’d like to make with your life. What challenges you the most in regards to taking action or thinking differently? If you had accountability in one area of your life, which area of your life would you improve that would allow you to live more powerfully?
With Love,