As this week is National Nursing Assistants Week, this post goes out to all of you nursing assistants! If you are not a nursing assistant you just might find that you have more in common with them than you think. These people have made caring their life career. Many people not in the field of healthcare still care a great deal for others. Women in general and mothers fit into this category nicely! This post will help you identify how you can better care for yourself so that you are energized and happy on the job.
Taking care of your personal business before even stepping foot into your workplace is what will help you stay resilient for the long haul. Nursing Assistants have these qualities in common. They are compassionate, emotionally stable and have sufficient physical stamina.
In order to provide excellent care for your patients here are three tips:
- Give yourself permission to take a break. You are such a hard worker that you need a break! You may not get much of a physical break while you’re on the job but you can give yourself one while at home. You don’t want to become bitter towards or resentful of your patients due to lack of self care. Fuel up by resting so you can give out of a full tank!
- Practice healthy communication. Take opportunities to express your desires and feelings in the moment with those you love and feel comfortable with. The more you are able to express yourself instead of bottling up your feelings the more emotionally stable you will feel inside. Plus, no one feels good after losing their temper and no one likes to be the recipient of that eruption.
- Get Moving. Excercise not only increases your strength but has been proven to increase your energy and ability to focus. Being physically fit provides the stamina that you need to stand for long periods of time and take care of patients in ways they can’t take care of themselves.
I’d love to connect with you and learn more about you. Come on over and like my facebook page or connect with me on twitter. Don’t forget to share this post with others!
Have a great day and Keep on Shining!

I can see how this can apply to pretty much anyone. Great tips 🙂
Thanks Brianna,
Yes, everyone can benefit from better self care. The benefits (peace of mind, sense of control, ability to rest, increased happiness, and the list goes on) outway the effort required!
I find that this advice applies to me as a homeschooling mom to 3 active kids. Exercise, communication, and taking a little time off – I can always use these reminders! Thanks!
Hi Sharee,
We as moms need to take care of ourselves. We are so much happier and energized when we have healthy boundaries and priorities. Have a great day! Amy