Doesn’t everyone need a little more motivation?  In the busyness of life some of us tend to start new projects and leave them half finished.  It’s not all due to busy schedules but also lack of drive and motivation to see a goal through to completion.  When the going gets tough and you need extra resources to draw from, consider these suggestions:

5 Ways to Stay Motivated

1.Stay focused on why you started in the first place.  Remind yourself why you created this specific goal.  What drove you to start moving in this direction?  The philosopher Nietzsche once said, “He who has a strong enough why can bear almost any how.” (paraphrased)

2.Make a list (preferably on paper-not in your head) of all of the benefits you will receive if you just keep at your goal.  Focusing on the positive outcome of your efforts keeps your focus in the right place.  This type of focus often leads to new insight and increased energy needed for the task at hand.

3.Tell others what your goal is.  This very act will start making you feel accountable for your words.  We are naturally driven to preserve our personal integrity so if we tell others what we’re aiming for we’re more likely to follow through.

4.Chip away at it or use a massive tool!  Depending on how you’re feeling and your energy level you may want to allot for a minimum of half an hour per day dedicated to pursuing your goal.  Half an hour out of 24 isn’t much and if you’re consistent over a week/month/year your efforts will pay off.  On the other hand if you have the energy or work/kid free time, use all of it and make a massive dent in your endeavor.

5.Track your progress.  If you’re feeling disappointed because your goal is taking longer to accomplish than you wanted it to make sure to take note of how far you’ve come.   Checking off small milestones and being able to look back and appreciate your hard work is important and gratifying.

So, what is your preferred method of renewing your motivation to see a goal through to completion?  How might you make a little more effort than you’ve been making lately? Please leave your comments andI  will personally reply to you shortly. I’d love to hear your feedback!

All the Best,
