Imagine how your life would be different if you had a little more self-awareness and confidence. Would you realize how you were feeling before you decided to respond in a conversation? Would you be more aware when you needed your own time?
How would your relationship be different? Would you be able to ask for what you need instead of trying to make other people happy all the time? Would you be able to stand up for what’s important to you?
If you want to boost your confidence and self-awareness I highly recommend sitting all day getting active. Keeping fit is one thing that has kept me sane and flourishing even when life has been overly busy or stressful. The confidence and self-awareness derived from (dare I say the word!?) exercise will also greatly benefit YOU and YOUR RELATIONSHIPS.
We tend to think, “I won’t have time to take care of my other responsibilities if I try to fit in a work out.” That’s a really good excuse but it usually isn’t true! The opposite is true. You will have more energy, motivation and focus to pursue what you need to.
Here’s another common thought, “I’m being selfish when I set aside time to keep fit.”
Let me set one thing straight. If you take care of yourself you are being wise, not selfish. I’m not saying, workout 7 days a week for two hours a day. Do the activities you love for the length of time you enjoy. You’ve been given this body that will live long and healthy if you care for it well. When you make yourself a priority and you take care of your health, that’s attractive! Plus, when you are healthy you will have more energy to give to those around you.
When you set time aside in your schedule for exercise you have already made yourself a priority. When you follow through with your exercise goals your confidence will increase. Not only will you have a great opportunity to acknowledge your efforts but you will also experience how incredible you feel about yourself when you keep fit.
Exercising provides time to de-stress and contemplate what’s going on in your life from an objective perspective.
Many of the answers to my “questions” have come to me while exercising. That time you dedicate as “me time” provides opportunities to become more aware of what you may not be paying attention to on a deeper level.
Right now some of you may be saying, “Exercise is hard work. Consistently exercising is even harder.” I agree, sometimes it does take determination to make it happen. One important thing to remember is that the way you think and talk about exercise will either help or hinder you from pursuing it.
As you become more self-aware and more self-confident, you will naturally improve your relationship.
The more self-aware you are, the more your relationships will benefit. Self-awareness helps you clarify your feelings, needs and desires. Knowing the ins and outs of how you feel will help you communicate what you need to share.
With more self-awareness comes increased confidence. As your confidence increases the limits you impose on yourself will begin disappearing. Don’t be surprised if you start to realize the depth and breadth of your importance, your worth, your value. As you recognize your worth you will be able to go after what’s important to you. People and circumstances that used to cause you stress will be much easier to deal with.
All change starts on the inside.
A person who knows herself and decides to be courageously confident will be able to move to the next level in her personal growth. When people grow, their relationships follow suit. Keeping fit is only one of the many ways to get to know yourself, increase your confidence and in turn improve your relationship.
Lovelies, what do you do for yourself that ends up benefiting your relationship? This relationship could be with your family members or coworkers if you aren’t in an intimate relationship. Share with me what works for you!
Looking forward to hearing from you!