You’re super motivated, intelligent and driven. Like many other women, you probably have a hard time eating healthy when you’re in a hurry. You may have unrealistic expectations of yourself. Are you trying to be sexy, have a career and be a perfect mother and spouse? Do those expectations sound a little daunting?
Juggling these high expectations can make you feel anxiousness, drained and stressed out. Time constraints can make you feel like you’re too busy to make healthy food choices.
Maybe you skip breakfast (or lunch too) because you’re so stressed that your appetite becomes suppressed. Maybe you do feel hungry but you ignore the feeling because you’re too busy to put food in your mouth.
The truth is, you can make healthy food choices, even if you’re busy. You can have both a flourishing career and flourishing health! The way you eat is ultimately your decision. You have a choice. The secret to eating healthy when you’re in a hurry is to plan ahead and be prepared.
Develop Realistic Expectations For Yourself
Do you need to eat fresh fruit and veggies everyday? Or could you buy frozen veg and fruit that keeps longer and is pre-cut? What about smoothies or breakfast for dinner once in a while? Will you give yourself permission to eat out once a week (or more) and not judge yourself?
Drink Lots of Water
Choose water over pop or caffeinated beverages to help you stay hydrated and full for longer. Water helps the nutrients from your food get where they need to go. and makes your skin look younger and more supple!
Ask Yourself, “What’s in my control today? What can I plan ahead for?”
“It’s always easier to blame others. You can spend your entire life blaming the world, but your successes and failures are entirely your responsibility.”
— Paulo Coelho
When will you shop for groceries? If you can, shopping later in the evening will save you time. What snacks will you have on hand for when you’re in a pinch? I like nuts, natural protein bars/shakes and fruit.
One Step At A Time
Knowing that you are fully resourceful, I challenge you to make one small change in your routine today, just make one small change that will help you eat healthier.