One day I was on a road trip down Vancouver island where I live. A friend and I were driving past a particularly beautiful and wild place in nature. As we weaved around a corner, something on the cliff above caught my attention. A bunch of gorgeous purple flowers were growing up high, out of reach, unless I wanted to take a hike to experience them up close.
Those who search for joy (those flowers) are the ones who will find it. Joy can always be found and often, in unexpected places. If I wanted to fully enjoy those flowers, I would have needed to make some serious effort to get to them. If you’re going through a rough season or tough day, you can still feel joyful. It may take a lot of conscious effort on your part but joy is always available to you.
Sometimes refocusing your attention on empowering and uplifting thoughts and beliefs is the shift that makes all the difference. Like learning new dance moves, you can become aware of when you need a thought shift to bring about that joy you want.
Keep Shining,