Everyone needs fire in their lives. Therefore everyone needs to have their fires stoked. By fire I’m referring to true purpose…who you were created to be/what you were created to do with your life. We need people to dream with, people who know us on such a level that they can ignite our inner fire with support, encouragement, shared excitement. I’m talking about people in your life who can take what sometimes has become ashes and with a gentle breath, create flames…those people are priceless.

Sometimes a gentle breath doesn’t cut it and a prodder is necessary to stir things up!! At times we need these people to pose big questions to us so we can stay or get back on track. I hope you have people like this in your life. Whether they be family members, mentors, friends, people you look up to, they are invaluable. If you can’t think of anyone, start searching. We’re meant to walk together! Personally, I’ve found that I need to be surrounded by them….