There’s something so important about clear vision. If you can’t see, how are you ever going to change. Where am I going? You need to know who you are and who you want to be in order to head down your path and enjoy the journey. Once you know yourself (life-long process!) you’ll be able to be clear with yourself on what needs to be removed or added to your life. Action Plans…you sure have to be specific when you’re making one.

I’m sure there’s been a time (hopefully more than once) when you made a goal and achieved it. In order for that to have happened you would have had to be straight with yourself…making decisions with your goal in mind. Making more effort to have extra this or that in your life and denying yourself other things–all to make sure you achieved your goal. All I’m seeing is a beautiful, shiny straight and narrow path. We all are meant to walk on one. Sometimes it feels limiting, but only if you’re focusing on the obstacles and hinderances along the path. When you focus on what you want, you can pretty much find a way to walk over any thing.