It is possible to have too much of a good thing and it is possible to be addicted to exercise.  The line between a person who exercises for the health of it and one who is an exercise fanatic can easily become blurred.  Here are a few reasons why.  Exercise is a widely promoted health behavior, is recommended to combat stress and other mental health problems and has many psychological and physical benefits.  One could become confused as to how much exercise is healthy and where to draw the line.

Deep down we all have a hunger that needs feeding. Some people choose to fill that need with exercise and a lot of it.  This hunger craves to be filled on a daily basis. Too often we purposefully ignore our deep needs and feelings. We try our best to cover them up with (in this case) exessive activity.

Exercise without limits can cause a person to lack adequate rest.  In order for you to start enjoying more balance here are some quick fixes to help you retrain how you will get your need for that ‘high’ met.

Develop long term lifestyle changes that stick by…

Aiming for mini-changes.  You will be able to sustain the momentum this way!

Making changes that feel easy.  For example, cut your workouts down by 20 minutes or try on the new belief that you will not become a blimp if you don’t work out over the weekend.  People will still love and accept you!  You will feel happy with your  accomplishment if it’s easy and you will want to keep going.

What mini-changes do you want to see take place in your life?  What type of a change feels easy to you?  I wish you all the best as you start forming healthy habits that stick.

Keep Shining,


Amy EnglemarkAmy Englemark is a Self Care Expert, unique-like a breath of fresh air in a stressed out, overworked society. She shows people why staying healthy is vital and guides them to establish and maintain positive changes in their lives in a stress-free way! As a dynamic, sought-after speaker, writer and founder of Amy Englemark Coaching, Amy Englemark is passionate about helping people develop guilt free self care choices and create sustainable lifestyle changes.