
We are talented at making excuses so we don’t feel pressured to pursue our dreams or goals.  We are well versed at reciting the many reasons why our dream life is unattainable.

“I’ve waited too long”

“I’m too busy, tired, old or young”

“I’m not smart enough”

“It’s never been done”

“I have no experience”

“People tell me it’s too hard”

Maybe it is hard, but is it too hard?  Here are action steps to help you stop making excuses and start taking action:

Ask yourself:  “Am I acting like I love myself?”

What actions would you stop putting off if you acted like you loved yourself?  What fears would you PUSH aside?  How much more joy would you experience due to living life with more confidence?

Raise Your Standards

What do you demand of yourself?  Write down everything you will no longer tolerate/accept and everything you aspire to become.  If you take the time to do this exercise you will see where you’re being too lenient with yourself and what needs to change.

Start Believing It

When you believe that you can and will be able to take action and sustain those new habits, you will be fueled with power and increased motivation.  You NEED to believe that you can take a risk and that it’s worth it, before you will take action.

Remember to check out our 6 Week intensive Group Coaching Program for women who are leaders in their families, workplaces and communities!  Don’t miss this if you are ready to stop making excuses!  Register NOW 🙂

With so much love,
