There’s only one you.
You’ve either discovered your unique abilities or your on your way. Your successes and whatever wets your appetite (math, computers, art, people, etc.) point to your strengths. Pursue what makes you unique.This can invoke excitement and fear at the same time. When you choose to major in your strengths…developing and fine tuning them, you are making a conscious decision to grow and excel.
When you make the decision to pursue what you love, people and opportunities will rise to prompt your next steps. There’s something magical about making a decision. Internally you are saying that you’re ready, you’re willing to take the risk, you’re willing to make the effort and push harder.
Something else sometimes happens when you choose to focus on and invest in you’re abilities and strengths. Opposition can challenge you to a face off. Here are a few examples of opposition in action…
*You’re hard on yourself because you’re not making progress as fast as you’d like. You think thoughts like, “This isn’t worth it. Look how much effort I’m having to make. Look at what I’m sacrificing. I don’t deserve this attention…to be put at the top of my own priority list.”
*Distractions beg for your attention like kids talking to you when you’re trying to have a conversation on the phone. There are so many things and people you COULD be focusing on.
Remember, everyday you have a choice in how you will spend your time and what decisions you will make. Every day you are in control of what thoughts you allow yourself to think. Right now I’m going to challenge you to invest in yourself. Choose to grow in the areas you’re already good at. Make the good parts of you great.
I’m on the same path. I’m writing, preparing, interviewing and getting out there so my character and business can grow simultaneously. I’m having to push through barriers and trust when I don’t know what the future holds. One thing I do know is that great things ARE possible when you believe. Now, go use what you’ve been given!