Sometimes I want to drift with the wind and see where I end up. If I’m truthful I’d rather do this most of the time! Probably because it doesn’t take much effort to go with the flow. What takes more effort is determining what’s really important for me to pursue with my time.
Lately I’ve been realizing what I REALLY love to do and what DEEPLY benefits my life when I make time for it. Some things feed my spirit, soul and body. For me, these are: (this is not an exhaustive list!)
*Talking with God
*Time with my husband (fun and romantic) and kids (one on one)
Other things deeply benefit my life that are less inspiring but still bring me fulfillment. These are:
*Completing my studies
*Keeping a somewhat clean house
Every day I’m given time to use. I’m making time for the things I’ve mentioned above and I can’t tell you how wonderful it feels. I could easily just think about what I want but thinking doesn’t make anything happen.
Sometimes it’s not me who is making time for the more important things in life to happen. Sometimes I am forced to have fun. Like right now for instance. I get to indulge in writing because I have no choice but to sit. For reasons that would take me too long to explain I must keep my foot elevated. How awful, I now have free time to write. As well, I have to accept that my loving husband will be feeding me dinner (Thanks to Nana). Sometimes we need to be reminded of how important it is that we make time for what our hearts yearn for.
It’s ok, better yet, it’s rejuvenating and nourishing to make time for what really matters to you, what really fuels you.
What do you feel called to do (but don’t usually do) on a regular basis?
What is that inner voice softly prompting you to do?
Write (if you feel prompted!) and share where you are feeling led. You don’t have to take action just because you’ve written “it” down. If you’d like to share how you’ve been made in the past to enjoy something you weren’t making time for, I’d love to hear about it.
I’m all ears, Amy
Nice article Amy…I am feeling strongly about our collective health and how it seems so wrong that we have to fight to maintain it in this day and age..but again I see good things coming of that-people are beginning to realize they do have a voice and that using it does in fact make things happen (HST). funny I should have sushi left overs tonight