This is what “me time” looks like for me…
- Ten minutes of just being…while laying horizontal on the couch. I take it while I can. My husband and kids were out getting a movie.
- Kick boxing or pilates at home, in the evening (this is the easiest time and place for me to fit it in).
- Writing or reading in the wee hours or just before bed
- My ultimate: several hours of mountain biking or dancing (sans kids)
Who comes First?
We all know how refreshed and revitalized we feel after we make time for ourselves, yet “time for me” is often low on our list of priorities. We make sure that everyone else is taken care of first. Maybe after work I’ll make time for myself. Maybe after the chores are done. Maybe after I say goodnight to my kids. Maybe after I’ve caught up with my husband. We can make up so many excuses that we start sounding like we don’t WANT to have time to ourselves. Don’t get me wrong. Life is busy. Work, family, marriage, they all add up. But what’s left for you?
In the busyness of life we sometimes forget the benefits of self care. Not only will you have more energy, joy and focus but your relationships will benefit. You will have more to give because you’ve made time to refuel!
Self Care Checklist
- First off, figure out what makes you really happy (maybe you already know or maybe you forgot a long time ago).
- Once you’re clear on this…acknowledge your personal value. Move yourself up on the list of priorities by slotting in “me time” every day. This act may seem huge but the amount of time you set aside for yourself doesn’t have to be. Will it be early in the morning? During lunch break? One weekend away every month?
- Decide what part of your daily or weekly routine you can change or shuffle around so that you can make time for your new commitment to have fun or simply chill out.
- Now, how will you stay committed to your new decision? Will you be enjoying “me time” with someone else? If not, I suggest writing down your commitment in a highly visible spot (calendar, daily planner, phone) or telling someone else your plans (so they can bug you if you don’t follow through).
- Make a goal for yourself-pertaining to self care. Make sure it’s not too easy and just hard enough to make you feel like you’re being stretched. This way you’ll be able to measure how much you’ve changed and what you’ve accomplished. Then you can pat yourself on the back…or get someone else to do it for you
Getting Personal
What does “me time” look like for you? Do you get together with friends at a local restaurant? Go out dancing? Do you get your nails done or go shopping? Each to their own. Let me know if you’ve decided to make more room for you in life. If you want, I can be that someone to hold you accountable. Email or call and let me know how wonderful you feel when you make yourself a top priority!!
Fill up so you can give more,
I agree 100% with you. Funny enough for me ”ME TIME” means having time to work in my coaching business, so once the kids are in school, the shopping list is clear, the house is more or less tidy and the laundry done, then I seat down in front of my computer and I start the fun. I wish I could have more ”ME TIME”!
Hi Nuria, Isn’t it luscious when you sit down and start having fun!? So, I’m wondering if you could think of a way that you could stretch out your “me time” to be fifteen minutes longer? Cheers 🙂 Amy
I have a few favorite “me” time activities…LOVE getting a bagel at my favorite bagel place and reading my Kindle. Time walking at the beach. I’m a newbie triathlete, so lots of working out. time with my boyfriend when kids aren’t home (my favorite “me” time even though I’m with him..ha).
Hi Carrie, sounds like you are making time for yourself 🙂 Doesn’t if feel great!? It also gives us more energy for everything else in the day. Enjoy your bagels and boyfriend time! Amy
Do you have a facebook fan page? I looked for one on twitter but could not discover one, I would really like to become a fan!
Hi Shirley, My business page on Facebook is Amy Englemark Transition Coaching. I’d love for you to “like” me and I look forward to seeing you there!
Hi Shirley,
I’d love to connect on my Facebook business page or Twitter: Take care, Amy
We love reading your posts. Each one is so touching!
Thanks Sonia, I appreciate your comment! There will be many more posts to come. If you’d like to follow me on Facebook you can “like” me at Amy Englemark Transition Coaching. There you’ll get inspiration and motivation for creating and igniting passion in your career and relationship. Amy
I also agree with your idea about the 5 ways to make it happen with your me time. I think that we always have our own priorities in everything we do. It seems that we have something in common just like how others agree with your me time.
Yes! I like the goal setting idea . If we have a goal, it makes it a bit easier to slog through the hard parts of life as we have a result we are aiming for- kind of like seeing the finish line of a race. If we KNOW there is an actual finish line then when we are almost about to hit the wall, we can actually get through it and not stop. I love having goals even if they change or I don’t achieve them. It is easier to get through the day to day. Thanks Amy!!!!
Hi Dede,
Yes, goal setting is so important. We then have a result in mind and can measure our progress. Giving yourself a date to accomplish your goal is very important as well. Nothing like a little pressure to help us achieve! Amy
6 months from now I want to be head first diving into my career. I want the fear and hesitation to be (almost) absent leaving enough excitement to keep the fire under my $%^ burning! Coaching support can absolutely help me get there as I work for myself alone It gets lonely. With someone there to motivate me and help open my eyes to ways I can run around the hurdles I’m facing (I like short cuts) I feel like the sky is the limit~! Why do I want to achieve my goal? I refuse to give up. Every single person in my life has told me to stop shooting for the stars and be happy with what I have (basically to be complacent and comfortable). I won’t!
Hi Luna,
You sound motivated and determined and ready. That’s great! I like that you’ve given yourself a deadline for your goal (6 mths from now). That will help you break your goal down in increments so it’s that much easier to achieve. Coaching definately is a motivating force that brings about clarity. I’d love to talk with you in person. If you’d like you can click on the “free consultation” button on my website to try coaching out. Cheers, Amy
Hi Rick,
Let’s connect on my Facebook business page or Twitter: Cheers!! Amy
Hi Rick, Sometimes we have to make “me time” happen when we don’t feel like it. That’s why a list like this helps to bring clarity. Glad you enjoyed it. Take care, Amy