Trying to be and look perfect isn’t serving you.  It keeps you from growing, keeps you from contributing, keeps you from being relatable, keeps you stuck.  

Are you someone who needs to know how the plan will pan out before you take action?  

Are you someone who needs to do the job perfectly or you won’t do it at all?  

Waiting for perfect timing, perfect hair, 100% support and agreement from others, is stalling your success.  It’s keeping you from sharing your skills and gifts with the people who want it and need it.

So, why do we wait?!!

Waiting to take action until all the conditions are perfect stems from false security. 

False security is something people hide behind because they don’t really want to take action.  Procrastination affords people the time to tick off the to-do lists, do the good things that make them feel accomplished.  Sadly, the valuable work that calls to your heart and creates real change gets ignored.  That’s the work that matters.  That is the work that needs to be started….and finished.

We’d rather make excuses than change our lives.  Excuses like, “It’s too hard.  It will require too much energy.  I won’t see results soon enough,” rather than proving ourselves wrong.  See what you can accomplish!  See what you’re capable of.  Show yourself the new truth about who you are through your actions.

I’ve never met a person who said he was truly happy, unless he was challenging himself to grow in some way.

Why is that?  From 8 years spent personally mentoring business owners and leaders I’ve noticed that many people are prone to procrastination.  This is often due to fear of the unknown, fear of judgment coupled with low self esteem.  

Living and working in our comfort does not help us progress.  That invisible safety net is a trap.  It’s dangerous and can keep us stagnant and small.  It’s keeping us scared, because we are valuing comfort over contribution.  We’ve forgotten the reason for risking and have become more concerned with looking good and not having to do the work.

Don’t get me wrong, it’s responsible to plan and prepare before taking action. 

We say we’re being smart and thorough, waiting for the perfect timing to write the book, contact the person, start the project.  What we’re being is cowardly.  It’s laughable.  My friend, it’s important to look out for your business, family and personal future, but at what cost?  We start evading change when we validate our fears and stop growing.

Go Ugly Early

The best way to get into action is to get uncomfortable.  Focus on why you’re taking action before everything’s perfect.  When I speak for an audience I focus on their needs.  This shifts my focus from myself to what would serve them most.  Unnecessary anxiousness dissipates and I can help people achieve their goals faster.  

Have you ever noticed that each step you take to create the future you desire reveals the next step necessary?  Your confidence begins to rise and hope builds as you act and make progress.  You realize and start accepting that there will never be a time when growth is comfortable and maybe that’s ok with you.

New Associations

Instead of treating the unknown as something unmanageable and daunting, try changing your perspective.  If change and the unknown is associated with fearful thoughts, it’s only natural you would avoid taking action.  Procrastinating to keep the unknown at bay never works.  Life will keep surprising us with scenarios we could never predict.  There is so much out of our control it’s not even funny!

Let’s play for a minute and create a few helpful ways of viewing imperfect action in a healthy way.

I produce products that aren’t perfect at first to ensure they get into the hands of people who need them.

I give presentations that may need fine tuning because people will be able to relate to my authenticity.

I write articles and books that others might criticize because I care more about sharing tools and experiences than how others view me.

I learn to let my house look real, not pristine, when I have friends over, because it’s about the connections not the perceptions.

I keep learning and asking for help instead of pretending I know it all and have reached my pinnacle of growth.

I admit when I’m wrong so I can keep expanding my knowledge.

I’m open to feedback because I now realize, I can’t see my own blindspots.

How would Going Ugly Early help you in your work?  What book, product or service are you feeling drawn to offer in a unique way?  I’d love to hear about it!  Shoot me an email and let me in on your thoughts!

With Love,


PS:  Want to set clear boundaries and achieve your exciting business goals?  Come eat with me and learn.  Check it out Here.  Early bird ticket sales end January 21st and sales close January 31st.

If you know you’re ready to commit, invest in yourself and get results, I will help you get Life Changing results.  How is it costing you to not manage your time or calendar intentionally, to struggle without help or support, to miss lost work opportunities and not be able to manage new levels of success?  I can help :). I have 2 spaces open.

We will get to the bottom of what holds you back, help you create habits that stick, improve your health and relationships, increase your sales and all the while, ensure you’re happy, being the game changing, go to resource for your team and colleagues.  Reach out to me at and I’ll make time for us to get on the phone to talk more about it.