I dream. I dream of what I would like to be doing, of what I want my future to hold. But do I act on my dreams? That is the question! So often our time is taken up with what needs to get done in our current jobs and personal lives that little time is set aside to pursue what really excites us.
About 7 or 8 years ago I was in pursuit of a career that would be satisfying and fulfilling. I didn’t want to work at just any job. I didn’t know if I wanted to work for someone else or if I would become an entrepreneur. All I knew was that I wouldn’t step into my next career unless I knew that “we” were a perfect match.
A few years of searching later, I came across my ideal job. In the process of finding my career I gained invaluable knowledge and experience that allows me to fast forward other professionals and entrepreneurs towards their ideal job or career.
Can you honestly tell me you are happy in your career? Some are able to say that they truly love what they do for a living. A lot of others are tolerating aspects of their worklife that they would rather not deal with. There are many reasons why people stay put in a career that doesn’t bring fulfillment and personal satisfaction. In order to get out of that rut you need clarity and some tools to get you out of the quick sand.
I once heard what I’m pretty sure is a Chinese Proverb…it’s a verbal picture I love…
“The best time to plant a tree was twenty years ago. The second best time is now.”
So what are you waiting for? Is this the right time for change? If not, but you still feel that burning desire for more in your worklife, how can you take a step towards what you want? Away from stress or fear of the unknown, towards more joy.
Next week I’ll touch on how to gain the clarity you need to pursue what you want. Here’s your invitation to gain clarity on what excites you in a career so you can leave the daily grind behind! Looking forward to the next post. You’re more than welcome to leave your comments. I’d love to hear them, Amy