3 Ways To Boost Your Self Esteem–In Less Than An Hour


1.  Reflect on past circumstances

Instead of ruminating over and over again on what you could have done differently or if you made the right decision, reflect.  Reflecting allows you to learn from the past and grow.  Reflecting, especially with another person, has been proven to increase self esteem by shifting your perspective.

2.  Practice being Wonder Woman/Super Man

Stick your chest out and shoulders back.  Step your feet out a bit and stand ‘big.’  You will notice a difference in how you feel compared to crossing your arms and letting your chest sink in.  We improve our confidence levels by how we carry ourselves!

3.  Create a confidence boosting treasure chest

Put things in your box/chest that remind you of when you overcame a big challenge.  Include items that make you smile and lift your spirit.  For example, pictures of people you love.  Also, include items that remind you of your bravery and courage, a fear you faced.