My search for perfect began in high school.  I knew there was a perfect career match out there for me but I had to search.  I learned more about what would be a good match for myself as I got to know MYSELF more.

Travelling after high school helped!  A land of self discovery lay waiting on the other side of the world.  I spent time in England, Mexico, Japan, Thailand and New Zealand.  I grew as a person and discovered some of my unique gifts and things about life that I’m drawn to, things about people in particular that I am passionate about.

My mental, emotional and spiritual search included meeting my husband.  Meeting him was much like running into my career.  I wasn’t looking to marry at the time, though it didn’t take long.  Within two to three weeks of meeting him I remember saying out loud, “I think this is the man I’m going to marry”.  Within two months we comitted to each other before I took off to work and enjoy the beauty of  Thailand.

I researched my heart out and interviewed professionals in all of the fields I was interested in.  No profession had drawn me enough to jump in wholeheartedly.  It was at this time that I chose to pursue work in Project Management.  After six months of prep work for an international position, I got pregnant.  That’s right.  I waded through three months of mild depression.  Thank goodness I have waterproof gumboots.

The timing of my pregnancy was a blessing in disguise.  It was time for me to become a parent but my pregnancy was also the catalyst for me to visit an aunt.  She didn’t live close so I had to fly to visit her before I was seven months pregnant.  I determined that this opportunity would be more difficult to come by after the baby was born.  I also wanted to sit in on one of her counselling sessions if possible…another “interview”.

I wasn’t able to observe her counselling a client but was invited to observe her being a “sounding board” for two student counsellors.  After this opportunity took place no light went off inside myself notifying me that “this career’s for you!”  Before returning home from my visit my aunt asked me if I would be interested in the Coaching profession.  I told her I’d never heard of it.  And that was the beginning.

The light turned on.  Just like knowing so quickly that my husband was the man for me, I knew that Coaching was the profession I was meant to pursue.  I just never knew it existed!

I’m sharing this  story because I’m hoping it will be helpful for you.  No matter what age you are or if you’re already trained and practicing in a certain profession, there’s a possibility that you’re not passionate about your career.  So, what type of a profession would make you excited?  What type of job could you spend a lot of time dreaming about?  I’d love to hear your thoughts on this or where you are in your search.

Cheers to enjoying the search and finding the “perfect”!
