Just can’t let go of….control!!? What’s so difficult about asking for help? You are not an anomoly. Many people find letting go of control and allowing someone else to take charge very frightening. What if that person doesn’t take care of things like I do and the job isn’t completed to my standards? What if I hire someone to take care of responsibilities that define me…cooking, cleaning, caring for kids, landscaping my yard? What then? Will I be less valuable? Will I be less of a person? Crazy questions, but real ones none the less.
Hurdle #1
Did you know that letting go of control is actually freeing? If you can trust the person who you have hired or are asking to take over tasks then you’re over the biggest hurdle. Sometimes explaining what you want from the other person is all that’s needed to strengthen your trust in them. Sometimes you need to let that person make a few mistakes and learn from them. Your trust in that other person often creates more of an ease in your relationship. Down come the walls. Remember, people can’t help you unless you allow them to.
Hurdle #2
Next hurdle, getting over the worry of what others may think of you because of your decisions. Maybe giving control to someone else seems risky for your business. Will others think you’re slacking off?Will clients be happy with the service they’re getting from the “new person”. Maybe giving up a responsibility (like taking care of kids full time) so you can make an income doing what you love makes you feel guilty. Will others think I’m a bad mom whose priorities are backwards?
Release that ball!
If you need more free time and handing over one of many balls you’re juggling would help you get it…I say go for it. Just make sure you’re making calculated decisions. Don’t live your life controlled by what others might think or how they may be judging you. Instead, clearly define your priorities for your life, not the life others think you should live. Next step, what areas of your life do you need to step back from and let go? Where and who can you ask for help? How could you pay or trade with someone for help? Start brainstorming.
The Payback
The benefits of letting others help us are great! Imagine how your shoulders would be able to relax if someone were taking care of the tasks at work or home that stress you out. You would probably be smiling more. Imagine the income you could start bringing in. Imagine the peace of mind and mental space you would have to focus on other important matters. Think of the time you would have to be with the ones you love. Think of how healthy and fit you could be…You’re probably drop dead gorgeous already but you know what I mean!
So many rewards to purposefully dropping just one ball. Try it, step back and watch someone else juggle while you play more.
Heres to more free time and less stress,