Want to become more productive and stop feeling worn out? Start managing your time like an expert and learn to take more time off!! That’s when the magic starts to happen. You’ll have the freedom to go out on more dates with your spouse, play with your kids, hang out with your friends, rest and make more money.
To become an extraordinary parent, leader, business person, spouse, put just a few steps into action and your productivity and free time will start to skyrocket!
Rosanne felt like she was at the end of her rope at work. She was putting in so many hours that she was exhausted. She had no reserves left over for her kids or husband. She actually started feeling like she wasn’t interested in running or getting together with friends anymore because she had stopped prioritizing anything but work. She had allowed herself to get into quite a negative mental space. She wasn’t having fun anymore.
Daniel was struggling at work because he didn’t know how to let go of control and delegate. He felt he couldn’t fully trust his staff to take care of responsibilities so that he could have more time freedom. Due to his belief that he HAD to manage every single business task himself, he had chained himself to work. No time anymore for personal hobbies or exciting career goals. He knew he could increase his income even more but had no clue how to make the time to focus on his goals. Also, he had set aside his health goals and started gaining weight. He admitted that he’d become more short tempered at work and with his wife because he was under so much stress and pressure at work.
More Rest=Bigger Impact and Paycheque
I recommended that both of these clients implement my strategies to increase their productivity (and free time) so they could experience the massive health and relationship benefits they were currently missing out on. Don’t wait for your marriage to fall apart or for burnout to hit before you put these action steps into place!
Delegate. Putting in extremely long hours so you can be successful may just be the obstacle that’s holding you back. If you’re going to grow a larger business, make a bigger impact (a lasting legacy), make more money and have more time off, you need to learn to let go of control. If you hold on to the mentality that others can’t do the job right or others simply don’t think they way you do (the better way) you’ll always be ticking off your to-do list. If you have a classic case of DIY or Do It Yourself Disorder you’ll be burning unneccessary fuel when someone else could be doing the grunt work. Use your time to focus on innovative ways to move your business or organization ahead. It’s ok to admit that you can’t do it all and you shouldn’t do it all, unless you want your flame to burn out altogether!
Implement Free Days, Planning Days and Focus Days. Create a new calendar for yourself that includes “free days” where you don’t check in with the office at all. You don’t check emails and you give yourself permission to mentally and emotionally recoup. You DON’T work. This could be every week or every other week. You need this ‘time out’ so you can feel refreshed and re-energized. Eventually you can build up your free time to the point where you’re taking off a month every year! When you come back to work you’ll produce results faster due to enhanced energy and clarity.
Book “planning days” into your calendar where you just spend time organizing, planning and preparing. “Focus days” include the high value, goal oriented practices.
Be accountable. Without accountability you won’t stick to your new calendar and goals!
Lead by example. If you’re a leader (in your business or company) others look to you as a role model. What legacy do you want to leave? What are you teaching through your actions? Evaluate how you need to raise the bar and then start walking the talk.
If you want to go to the gym everyday, eat healthy and have ample time for hobbies and family, put these steps into practice and then show your staff and teams how to do the same thing!