It’s easier to not care for yourself. It’s easier to put others, chores and interruptions before your own needs. Taking care of yourself may feel like one more thing you have to fit into your day. Before you worry about how you are going to find the time for yourself, think about why you should make time on a regular basis for yourself. There are many reasons that I hope will motivate you to take one small step today towards more personal balance.
Imagine what your life would look like:
Five years from now if you don’t change a thing. Picture this: You wake up early in the morning with foggy memories of your less than restful sleep. Due to what feels like never ending work and responsibilities you had a hard time going to sleep and staying that way. You have become so frazzled that tiredness ensues much too early in the day. You don’t give yourself permission to take a break (phyically or mentally) because you feel resting = laziness and worrying = productivity. Because you don’t allow time to address what triggers you to become impatient and stressed out you aren’t even aware of how to eliminate energy drains. You regularly put others needs ahead of your own, somehow thinking they are more valuable than you. Somehow thinking that lack of self care will not eventually lead to weight gain, low productivity levels at work, decreased quality of care that you can offer family/patients/clients and malcontent.
Five years from now if you decide to take regular care of yourself. You wake up feeling refreshed and at peace. The sleep routine you have set for yourself is supporting you well. Your family also appreciates the changes you have made because you have more energy, therefore you’re more fun to be around. You look forward to your work day because you have clear, strong boundaries now. You don’t feel badly when you say “no” or ask for help because you know how valuable your time is and you have identified your priorities. Your confidence has increased as your stress level has decreased. You are more aware of your tendency to worry about situations that will take care of themselves. This means you have decided to trust more. You are making plans and goals that support you living the life you desire. Your balance between family and work is flourishing. You decided a long time ago that you would start making small changes in your routine that would lead to more time with family, more consistent fun/exercise time, more energy and less guilt.
I’m saying this with large amounts of love. Accept where you’re at. Then you have two decisions.
1) Change it
2) Live with it
The decision is yours.
I’m here to help! Have a great day,
Amy, this post is so thoughtful and helpful. I really like how you mentioned that taking breaks are so important- because they are. I deeply appreciate this “permission” to take breaks and take time for myself. I know from personal experience, when I allow myself to do that- and also ENJOY doing that- I am so much happier, and can therefore be happier when it’s time to work and serve others as well. Thanks again!- Tiana
Taking good care of yourself is very important. Sometimes I neglect it as I try to build my businesses so that my husband doesn’t have to work so much. I have far to go and I just want to get there now. Impatience is a quality I wish I could control so that I didn’t feel the need to control every situation. Sleep for me comes rough. I’ve tried a lot to get a normal sleep schedule… I’ve almost given up haha.
I definitely could have used this post 5 years ago. 🙂 I was putting myself on the back burner then, but have really been trying to take care of myself this year. I don’t want to envision the first scenario for my future.
My favorite point was that you have the control to change the things you are not happy with in your life 😉
Great post!!
Great post! It’s so easy to let ourselves slip to the end of the list, or fall off it entirely…especially Moms. When you take care of yourself, you are even better able to care for and enjoy others! Great reminder
The last sentence says it all. I vote for change it!
Boundaries are a fabulous thing! I am learning, even now, how to say no and not feel guilty. I have the hardest time with my children, who are teenagers now. The best way to help them is to set the example that my needs are just as important as theirs 🙂 Thank you for this reminder.
So true Amy! Women somehow seem to think that self-care is selfish, but as you point out, it enhances our day and future! Great post!