What do you believe about yourself?
Do you think your beauty is more than skin deep? That’s what I think about you. Do you think you are valuable deep down in your bones and that no one and nothing can change that? I hope so.
I didn’t always used to feel beautiful or desirable on the inside. For a long time I wasn’t aware that I didn’t value myself. As soon as I became aware of my feelings towards myself, I began to take steps so I could change.
A big part of caring for yourself entails taking a good hard look at what you believe about yourself. It’s worth taking the time to do. YOU are worth it. You are valuable beyond measure. If you don’t believe this about yourself you will probably find it more challenging to make yourself a priority.
Think about it. If you don’t believe you are worth the time of day then you won’t make time for yourself. Yet, the health of your mind, body and spirit depends on you. Yikes! But it’s true. If you want to be healthy, rested and unfazed by stress you need to take care of yourself.
You may think, “How selfish.” Try to understand where I’m coming from. You don’t want to get to a place where all you think about is yourself. That won’t help anyone! On the other hand, others are depending on you. Your family members and patients/clients need you to be functioning at a thriving level in mind, body and spirit. When you’re not thriving you simply can’t offer the quality of care I know you want to.
Take the first step to improve your self image and consequently your self care: Identify what you believe about yourself and how that belief is affecting your relationships and practice. If you believe that the needs of your spouse and kids should always come before your own then time for you will be harder to come by. If you believe that your patients and family need you to be on call all the time your needs will not get met. The truth there is that they will be fine if you go have fun or rest and get refreshed. The won’t just ‘be fine,’ they will be thankful!
You must remember that you are in charge of your beliefs. You may not know why you believe what you do, but for whatever reason, you have adopted those beliefs as your own. It’s time to evaluate how helpful and empowering your beliefs are to you now.
Make sure your beliefs serve you!
If you believe, “I’m only loved if I’m continually taking care of others” then you will not put a high value on your OWN life. What if you believed that rest is more important than physical activity. Might you start gaining weight and become stressed or depressed due to your belief? Consider your beliefs.
YOU are worth taking the time for. I’m taking the time for you right now! You are worth others love and care, so why not show yourself some affection and set yourself up for great health by creating a self care plan today. What will your first step be?
With Love,