Conventional success looks like happiness at first glance. It’s the accomplishments that make others proud of you. You know you’re chasing after conventional success when you’ve accumulated wealth, maybe fame or notoriety, homes and cars, but you’re still not happy.

True success is defined by you and only you. True success is a feeling.

I worked with a salesman who had many accomplishments and expensive toys, yet lacked deep happiness. He started to feel more successful he noted what was missing from his life. His fulfillment started growing and kept growing when he figured out how to prioritize his health, how to make time for more adventures, how to treat himself with respect and how to be present with his kids.

He realized how conventional success wasn’t fulfilling without love, adventure and health.

Don’t get me wrong. Money can be great! It provides freedom and amazing opportunities for yourself and others. On the flip side, if you chase after conventional success to find your value, you’ll be chasing forever.

Another leader I work with chased after “empty” success so he could feel accepted. Through our coaching he realized he didn’t even like the people he was trying to be liked by. He’s since discovered the power of identifying what wealth means to him.

I got straight with him and asked, “What do you really want?”

After getting a little flush in the face and emotional, he responded that he felt truly wealthy and successful when he was growing personally, feeling connected to family and creating time freedom for himself.

Every time I’m helping a client achieve extraordinary goals, we first have to define what success and wealth means. When you’ve clearly defined what success means to you, you can create more of it, until then, you’re chasing after someone else’s goals.

Dare to live your dreams and create a successful life that makes YOU happy.

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