
Stress Junkie:  Advice To Help You Stop The Stress Cycle

Whether you are stressed out or not, it’s in your control.  We’ve all been given these fabulously smart and capable minds to use.  Depending on what thoughts and beliefs you allow in there, you can boost your confidence in your ability to deal with stress.

Most people are so familiar with stress they condition themselves to get used to living in a constant state of tension, worry and defensiveness.  Let me help you stop that stressful cycle and create new habits that allow you to live with more peace of mind and an ability to trust.

In my opinion, one of the biggest sources of stress is your perception of situations, people and their actions.  When you change how you perceive yourself, someone or a situation, you have the power to change how you feel.

How Fantastic!!  To know you have the power to change how you feel no matter what is happening around you, how empowering!  Now, some of you are saying in your heads, “Yeah right.  I doubt this really works.  Even if I change my perception of a situation, that doesn’t mean I’ll feel better for long.  All this ‘head’ stuff is real crap.  I just need my spouse, colleague or children to change and then my stress will REALLY decrease.  I need others to change around me and then I’ll be able to relax, finally!”

The truth is, that kind of thinking will keep you stuck in a stressful place.  That kind of thinking smells like irresponsibility.  You have control over your own mind, words and actions.  If you’re not happy in your job, with how you’re being treated, about your children’s behaviour, you have a choice.  You can choose to do something about it, to do something different, to take responsibility for what’s in your control.

Let The Elephant Speak!!

I just returned home from a big personal growth event where this story about beliefs was told.  If you don’t believe you have the power to create change for yourself, to start feeling incredible again, listen up!!

Baby elephants in captivity are raised with a heavy duty collar attached to their necks, tied to a heavy duty chain which is attached to a hefty stake in the ground.  When they are first chained up they struggle and struggle to be free of these chains.  After a while they succumb to the fact that they can’t get free so they stop struggling and live with it.

As they mature into adults, the elephants transition to being collared with a much lighter band around their necks, tied to a light rope, attached to a small peg secured into the ground.  These elephants are so incredibly strong that with very little effort they could pull free of their chains.  The trouble is, they have learned to believe that they are not free, they are powerless.  They can’t do anything about their situation.

Years ago there were a handful of adult elephants and one baby tied up with light ropes in a building that caught on fire.  All the elephants perished in the fire.

As you see, it’s up to you.  What types of beliefs do you have that are keeping you tied to being stressed all the time?  What beliefs do you have that are keeping you in a state of stress rather than feeling confident, calm and capable?  This is what I invite you to contemplate.  What would you need to believe about yourself or your life to dramatically decrease your stress today?

Want to learn more?  Come over and check out my program Breakthrough To Your Fun And Fabulous Life.  I share my stress less tools and systems with the members in our private members area, over weekly group calls and monthly private calls.  Nothing beats the accountability and support you will get in this group!