by Amy Englemark | Jan 20, 2015 | Self Care
by Amy Englemark | Jan 14, 2015 | Consistency, Have Fun, Re-Energize, Time Management
I’m a busy lady! In the midst of my busyness I’m often brainstorming how I can have more fun. I’ve learned that we can have our cake (and eat it too). We don’t have to settle for a ‘busy, successful life’ without any fun...
by Amy Englemark | Jan 9, 2015 | Avoid Burnout, Have Fun, Re-Energize, Self Care
Move Your Body, Change Your Life!! Move To Feel Groovy The way you move your body affects how you feel. I wonder how you typically carry yourself on a daily basis. Are your shoulders back and head high? Do you drag your feet or walk fast? What type of activities...
by Amy Englemark | Dec 31, 2014 | Consistency, Self Care, Time Management
Maybe you’re like I was and you think “I can either be successful or take really good care of myself but I can’t manage both.” Then I read Harv T. Ekar’s book, Secrets of the Millionaire Mind, and I decided that I could have both. I feel...
by Amy Englemark | Dec 25, 2014 | Have Fun, Self Care, Uncategorized
Seriously I distinctly remember standing in the kitchen of my mom in laws house. My incredible new husband and I were in the middle of an argument. He had made some sort of joke that I had taken personally. I was so used to reacting in the same habitual way that I...
by Amy Englemark | Dec 18, 2014 | High Expectations, Learn To Rest, Time Management, Uncategorized
How would it feel if you could press pause during the Christmas season? I have a button you can press today that will slow down your life. Responsibilities and appointments keep you on your toes, but you can have down time and not feel guilty about it. Life passes...
by Amy Englemark | Dec 16, 2014 | Uncategorized
Elizabeth Gilbert wrote Eat, Pray, Love. Maybe you’ve never heard of it? (Just kidding!) She also wrote an article to help you become more self aware spiritually. I thought you’d enjoy it! Have a read here. In one word, let me know the “golden...