I’m a busy lady!  In the midst of my busyness I’m often brainstorming how I can have more fun.  I’ve learned that we can have our cake (and eat it too).  We don’t have to settle for a ‘busy, successful life’ without any fun involved.  Nor do we have to settle for an ‘all fun, all the time and no $’ kind of life.   We can have both.  We need this balance.

Here are a few tricks that help me have more fun even while I’m busy:

  • Plan Ahead–I get to look forward to fun get-aways if I plan ahead!  Even planning two weeks ahead for a girls night out or a date with my husband is definately worth the effort.
  • Be Spontaneous–Tell the dishes or laundry that it can wait.  Use the 30 minutes you now have free to hop on a skate board with your kids and ride to the end of your road.  Crank the music in your living room (close the curtains if you need to) and let loose.  See if a babysitter is free on the spur of the moment and use your time to do what you love best.
  • Allow Yourself–You are just as worthy, valuable and hard working as anyone in your family or circle of friends.  Your sanity and health are more valuable than you think.  If you try to take care of everyone else’s needs before your own, what kind of life is that?  If you don’t make the time for yourself to have fun, what kind of parent, spouse, friend or coworker will you become?  What will you be teaching your children?  Did that create a pretty picture for you?
  • Communicate Your Needs–If you don’t, who’s going to do it for you?  You were given a mind, heart and tongue for a reason.  Practice asking for time and things that bring you joy and peace of mind.  Others will thank you because they’ll get to know you and your needs better.  They will also learn from your leadership if they themselves need practice communicating.

Busy people need to have more fun.  Busy people need more balance.  I care for you and want to see you flourishing instead of lacking energy and joy.  My hope is that something above spoke to your heart.  I’d love to hear which of my tricks clicked for you and please feel free to share yours with me!

Keep Shining!

Amy Englemark