Are You Killing Your Happiness?

(2 minute read)

I have a client who has overcome so many obstacles to get where he is today in his business.  He used his strengths of collaboration, inspiring others and teaching to expand his reach and help more people.  He discovered when he leaned into his strengths he and his business grew so much that he surpassed his financial goal for the year and overcame big mindsets that had kept him feeling stuck.  Yet he wasn’t quite happy.

He shared with me how he might give up on a long term goal he’d been working on.  He was losing hope because others weren’t following through with their commitments.  Their lack of passion was now dampening his.  He had great excuses as to why giving up would be easier.  Christmas was coming and we all know how busy the festive season can be.

A friend or spouse might agree that his project could wait or maybe should be scrapped altogether.  As his coach I can’t do that.  I’m in the business of transformation.

Letting people kill their happiness by ditching their dreams is not ok with me.

Even though he’d made a lot of progress on this work project and the payoff would be worth it, “maybe finishing wouldn’t matter anyways,” he thought.  He had hit a wall.

When you most feel like giving up is when you need to be keeping on.

“Never give up on something that you can’t go a day without thinking about.”  Winston Churchill

It’s so much easier to let ourselves off the hook and settle for less than what we really want to achieve.  This is what kills happiness.  Settling in our comfort zones.  When you’ve already achieved so much it’s tempting to settle for too long in the land of comfort.

This man is not one to give up.  He made a decision to stick to his goals and rise above.  He committed to growing his capacity to stretch.  He decided to get uncomfortable and face the tension required to grow, even more.

When we stop growing is when we stop being as happy as we could be.

I’m not saying, “Never stop to acknowledge how far you’ve come, to learn from the past and celebrate.”  That’s for another article.

Are you killing your happiness by settling?  Is this the time for you to start lifting heavier weights?  What would that next level of business and personal accomplishment look like?  Describe it in detail.  You are capable of achieving so much more and increasing your happiness, if you don’t give up.

For more strategies to Boost Wealth, Health and Happiness visit  To contact Amy directly email