I’d love for you to join me next week for a training on communication.  On Friday, July 24th at 10:30-11:30am, I’m going to be giving you a peek into one of the most costly communication mistakes I see business leaders and owners making over and over again.
Communication is the key to developing a strong, healthy team. Yet learning how to communicate effectively can be frustrating and complicated.
If you find communication difficult and you want a simple tool that helps you avoid misunderstanding, unnecessary stress and disconnection, I can help. We’d love to see you on the training!
Send me a message at coacha@amyenglemark.com to get registered with “Just Say It” in the subject line. Hold on to THIS LINK to join the coaching session.
Want to watch me coach someone?  It’s all happening LIVE this Thursday (July 16th) at 1030am PST.
Nicole Minions is a full time realtor, part time municipal councillor and mother to 3 energetic boys.  She has a background in banking and non-profit management.  She’s a high achiever with a passion for caring for others at a grassroots community level.  As you watch me coach Nicole, pretend I’m coaching you, you’ll gain so much insight into your own life.
With Love,